As performing our activites, Assan Hanil Otomotiv Sanayi ve Tic. A.Ş., and its branches main target is that being sensitive to the environment, preventing pollution and providing health and safety criteria at the highest level and improving our environmental performance continually.
To achieve these targets;
- To comply relevant OHS and environmental legal regulations and complying the all other requirements,
- To increase the safety and environmental awareness of our employees, suppliers, subcontractors and our business,
- Identifying and assessing hazards and risks and taking protective measures against them. Investigate technologies that can reduce risks to the lowest possible level,
- To define work accidents, occupational diseases, environmental dimensions and emergency situations that may occur during our activities. To develop systems that will reduce the losses that may occur in the direction of our targets,
- Adapting new developments and practices in the context of continuous improvement to TS ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System,
- To use natural resources efficiently, to reduce substances that are harmful to the environment and human health or using them under the control,
- To reduce waste on source, if possible recovering or ensuring proper disposal of the environment by establishing a waste management system,
- To communicate with all relevant person, institute and authorities in order to develop our OHS and environmental systems, and to take necessary measures by assessing claims and inquiries,
- To create an occasion for taking ideas of our employees and employee representatives to improve occupational health, safety and environmental management systems,
- To keep natural resource consumption, energy consumption and waste generation in minimum level for all our activities also considering life cycle,
- To keep the emission values released to the atmosphere in control and also under the limit value,
- To continuous improvement of environmental management system for improving the environmental performance,
- We commit to keep our policy open to the public and to observe compliance with the policy.