An easy communication is provided for users with elements such as text boxes in the form and radio buttons.
It is known that many users use the keyboard instead of the mouse to scroll through a form. Therefore, forms used on the website can also be approved by using the keyboard only.
Users are provided the ability to change the text font size used in the content of the website.
On the website explanatory texts are written for sight-disabled users for other objects such as picture, drawings, movie (etc.) except for texts.
Page headline elements are used to identify the page headers during the configuration phase of the content on the website. *For example, H2 specifies sub section of H1 in HTML.
Basic language used for the content of the website is used complete and perceptibly.
Target of the each link is specified clearly, link texts are given to allow the user to understand the target of the link.
Column and row headings are specified clearly for the data tables used on the website.
Moving contents are avoided on the website. User is allowed to freeze the moving content if used. For example, stopping the transition and moving to the next content with mouse or keyboard in areas such as slider etc.
Colour combinations (red and green) which will be difficult to distinguish are avoided.
Colours of the background and foreground colour combinations are chosen to provide sufficient contrast for sight-disabled users or users using monochrome display.